Name of Observer: Becky Bolte
Observed Meeting: Oak Harbor School District Board Date of Meeting: 3-13-2023 Members present: Lynn Goebel, Bob Hallahan, Sharon Jensen, Nicole Tesch, Jessica Aws, Thinalyn Ramier (student), Josiah Villano (student) Members absent: None Others present (staff, media, public): Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula (remotely at NAFIS – National Assn of Federally Impacted Schools - in D.C.), Asst. Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom. Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: 3.01 Special recognition of Oak Harbor Intermediate School staff – Chandra Mays (Counselor), Grant Finney (Counselor), Charles Pabona (Library paraprofessional), Matthew Sionson (Media specialist), Aisha Mayfield (PTA), Victoria Brown (PTA), Jackie Moore (PTA) 4.02. Visitors. Employee Matthew Black – recognized PTA members again – add joy, thanked them. Parent Jason ? concerned about phones and other hand-held devices brought to school – video of child beaten up in bathroom, premeditated 3-minute video, Tik Tok 5.01 Superintendent’s report – Recognized classified staff for Appreciation Week Read across America – shoutout to Elementary staff in making literacy exciting Student voices – what students have to tell us: 2-3 things that help you learn What are things that make it hard for you to learn? 2-3 things that an adult says or does that makes you feel like you belong or don’t belong Can you share your experience accessing adults in your building to support safety If you could change or improved one thing about your school or district… How do you make others feel like they belong? Intervention support: Mental health Prevention measures Academic support Belonging Budget priorities: Covid recovery – deans, mental health, MTSS (Multi-tiered system of supports) Student safety Tighten work around literacy/math and interventions NAFIS Advocacy (D.C.) -Superintendent will meet with Patty Murray and Pentagon Director to talk about bond support and creative options. NAFIS to request support for $70 million increase for Impact Aid for FY 2024 for basic support, federal property, construction, children with disabilities. School Safety Community Forum – OHPS and OHPD. March 28 at 6 p.m. in Administrative Services Building. Public can submit questions Purpose is to learn more about school safety planning – can attend remotely. 7.01 Oak Harbor Intermediate School Annual Report Better together SY 2022. Supportive relationships and belonging: Green forms – student completed incident reports - get back to students in 48 hours Student support teams – observing teachers develop behavior plan with teachers Characterstrong lessons ASB socials and assemblies OHI Family/staff night coming up in April Staff secret pal and potlucks Classified staff training Focus on reading – group work, book tasting, staff book picks, one school/one book Community connections – PTA, Pacific Science Center, Superheroes STEM, Whidbey Grace, Whidbey Presbyterian Question from Director Hallahan about cell phone policy at OHI – no access to cell phone (some accommodations if needed), must be in backpack – works well 8.01 CTE Shop Building proposal update presented by Ray Cone Increase of 37% from 2013-2022, 1427 to 1960 student seats filled each day, primarily engineering and manufacturing, added 20’ x 80’ tent and surplused school bus for storage. Proposal: 40’ x 100’ metal building - $300,000. $250,000 from Facilities Capital Projects, $50,000 CTE integration and work-site learning, local contractors working with students, comply with L&I, OSHA, OSPI guidelines. To start summer or fall 2023. Per Michelle – ready to move forward. 9.01 Legislative update. HB 1238 School meals -advanced with bipartisan support 12.01 Board comments. Director Hallahan recommended looking at reducing carbon footprint by developing long term options and setting a goal starting with a transportation workshop. Requested as an agenda item at May board meeting 13.01 Upcoming meetings. Monday March 27 and April 10. Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? YES If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Possibly publicize the School Safety Community Forum on March 28 to League membership Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? YES Consider the following questions and respond if relevant. FEATURE EVALUATED COMMENTS Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? YES Did members adhere to the provided agenda? YES Were any non-agenda items discussed? NO Was there adequate discussion of issues? YES Were any “Executive Sessions” called? NO Was there adequate opportunity for public input? YES Was background material available to the public? Agenda, past meeting minutes, board member names, livestream link Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? No List any other concerns or observations: Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 3-14-2023
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