Name of Observer: Becky Bolte
Observed Meeting: Oak Harbor School Board Date of Meeting: 10/30/2023 Members present: Lynn Goebel, Bob Hallahan, Nicole Tesch, Sharon Jensen, Josiah Villano, Student Board Member, Maggie Litvachuk, Student Board Member Members absent: Others present (staff, media, public): Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula, Asst Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: 3.01 Construction update Presentation by CSG (Construction Services Group). They are non-profit and part of Educational Services District 112. Represented by Heidi Hansen, Assoc. Director, and Tex Ladish and Ken Kuiken, Construction Managers. They will be doing project management, construction management, financial tracking, grant coordination, furniture. Projects are Crescent Harbor Elementary & Hand-in-Hand. Work includes ongoing design, property survey, geotechnical exploration, traffic impact analysis, inventory of items to be reused, coordination with city and county. Both properties are on Navy land. Funded through grants – 80% federal, 20% state, no local funding. Both projects are over budget at Schematic Design Phase, and the Design team has already reduced costs and formal value engineering is in progress. Begin construction: CHE and HiH – June 2024 CHE Move-in - December 2025 HiH Move-in – March 2026 4.01 Student representative Report & Goals 1. Sustainability – lead a workgroup to identify sustainability goals 2. Land acknowledgement – research Native tribes that inhabited Oak Harbor, write a statement for Oak Harbor schools 3. Communication – weekly reports 4.02 Visitors. Cary Wade – had to resign as Paraeducator because she didn’t make enough money. Asked Board to get creative and look for more ways to fund paraeducators’ wages. 5.01 Superintendent’s report - Reviewed template for Board members to track Superintendent’s goal. 7.01 Athletics and activities report - Presented by Athletic Director Fleury, 46% of the student body is involved in athletics. There are 650 single sport athletes. 9.01 Board policy updates first reading - Asst. Superintendent Lundstrom listed and reviewed several policies – essential, encouraged, discretionary, etc. 12.01 Board goal updates are posted on the school district website. 13.01 Upcoming meetings –regular board meetings -Nov 13 and 27 at 6 pm, Board study session for new board members – Dec. 11, Legislative forum December 15 at 3 p.m. List any issues on the agenda relevant to any LWV state or local positions or programs: (League positions can be found here. Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? N/A If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? Yes Consider the following questions and respond if relevant: Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? Yes Were any non-agenda items discussed? No Was there adequate discussion of issues? Yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? No Was there adequate opportunity for public input? Yes Was background material available to the public? Yes- agenda and previous meeting minutes Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? No If yes, for what reason? List any other concerns or observations: Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 10/31/23
Name of Observer: Becky Bolte
Observed Meeting: Oak Harbor School Board Date of Meeting: 6/26/2023 Members present: Lynn Goebel, Bob Hallahan, Nicole Tesch, Jessica Aws, Sharon Jensen Members absent: Student board members not required in summer Others present (staff, media, public): Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula, Asst Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: 4.01 No visitors 5.01 Superintendent’s report iReady Reading Trend K-8 Data -All elementary schools have positive growth overall in meeting proficiency in reading since 2019-20 (up 10%) -OHI grades 5-6 up +1%, NWMS grades 7-8 down -2% since 2020, up in 2023 for grades 5-8 -Cabinet calibration – Superintendent, principals, board members worked with consultant – looked at successes and challenges. As a cabinet, “we believe all students are uniquely different and can succeed through high quality educational opportunities in a safe, supportive, and enriching environment.” All are reading “Leadership on the Line” by Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky. -Crescent Harbor Elementary and Hand in Hand/Home Connections milestones: Schematic design documents – 8/15/2023o 1st advertisement for bids – 3/27/2024 -Board approval of construction contract -5/12/2024 -Substantial completion of new building – 6/30/2025 -1st day of school in new building – 9/2/2025 -Final completion of construction – 10/31/2025 -Hiring a consultancy group for construction because there are 2 projects to merge, and the reporting and reimbursement required because of grants (not through OSPI as usual for construction) -RFP going out on July 24, 2023 -Proposals due Aug 11 -Board approval on Aug 28 6.01 WSSDA Fall 2023 Conference Attendance – moved and passed that registration for 5 directors ($540 each) and two student board members would be funded. It is an opportunity for board professional development, outcome of election is unknown by the time of early registration, and conference on west side saves travel costs. 11.02 2023-24 Draft Budget All Funds - Draft budget reviewed, what’s on pages outlined but $$ figures not shown in meeting. Presumably the document was available to board members. It was stated that enrollment drives revenues and student needs drive expenditures. Reductions in staff have not resulted in decreases in salaries/benefits. Currently, salaries and benefits are 88.19% of budget. 13.01 Upcoming meetings – July 31 at noon by Google Meet, regular board meetings -Aug 14 and 28 at 6 pm 14.01 Executive Session to review the performance of a Public Employee List any issues on the agenda relevant to any LWV state or local positions or programs: (League positions can be found here. Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? No If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? Yes Consider the following questions and respond if relevant: Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? Yes Were any non-agenda items discussed? No Was there adequate discussion of issues? Yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? Yes Was there adequate opportunity for public input? No visitors Was background material available to the public? Yes, except for a copy of the 2023-24 Draft Budget All Funds Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? No If yes, for what reason? List any other concerns or observations: Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 6/28/23 Name of Observer: Becky Bolte
Observed Meeting: Oak Harbor School Board Date of Meeting: 6/12/2023 Members present: Lynn Goebel, Bob Hallahan, Nicole Tesch, Jessica Aws, Sharon Jensen, Josiah Villano, student Members absent: Others present (staff, media, public): Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula, Asst Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom, Ray Cone, CTC Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: 4.01 Recognition of CTE Students of the Year – Cheyenne Pressley, Daniel Peterson. 4.02 Recognition of Garden Club 4.03 Recognition of Lions Club – Dwight Lundstrom and Robin White recognized the Club for helping with student vision screening 4.04 The Superintendent recognized Employees of the Year: Dee Lee, Oak Harbor Intermediate School – Certificated Employee of the Year Zach Lizama, Warehouse worker – Classified Employee of the Year Tonia Johnston, Asst Director of Special Programs – Administrator of the Year Megan Kinghorn – Substitute Brandy Preston – Volunteer Andy Wesley - Coach 6. Superintendent’s report – this year started shift in language from “those” or “my students” to “our students” across the system. 10.01 Student Support Report – Presented by Dwight Lundstrom. -Reviewed Health Services: Regular – Diabetic care, head bumps, ice packs, stomach and headaches New – Absence mitigation, anxiety management, MTSS (multi-tiered system of supports) teams -There are 4 mental health counselors, with a grant through ESD 189 to add another. -Discipline big picture comparing 18/19 school year with 22/23 school year: Middle school kids have had a tough time adjusting post-pandemic Bullying and substance abuse issues have increased Harassment and fighting violence have decreased 13.01 Board comments. Board President Goebel thanked the Superintendent and Asst. Superintendent for meeting with students who spoke to the board at the last meeting about the Laramie Project. Had some press coverage. They had a great meeting and will see end results from the meeting. She said that even though the board is not obligated to respond during the meeting, we will continue working hard to insure that our public feels that when they come and we listen to their comments that we know there is going to be a response. 14.01 Upcoming board meeting - June 26 at 6 pm 15.01 Executive Session to review the Performance of the Superintendent List any issues on the agenda relevant to any LWV state or local positions or programs: (League positions can be found here: Positions - LWV Whidbey Island) Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? No If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? Yes Consider the following questions and respond if relevant: Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? yes Were any non-agenda items discussed? no Was there adequate discussion of issues? Yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? Yes Was there adequate opportunity for public input? No visitors Was background material available to the public? yes Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? no If yes, for what reason? List any other concerns or observations: Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 6/13/23 Name of Observer: Becky Bolte
Observed Meeting: Oak Harbor School Board Date of Meeting: 5/22/23 Members present: Lynn Goebel, Bob Hallahan, Nicole Tesch, Jessica Aws, Sharon Jensen, Thinalyn Ramier: student, Josiah Villano: student Members absent: Others present (staff, media, public): Dr. Tammy Campbell: CEO of The Scholar First, Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula, Asst Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom, Vicky Williams (Financial reports) Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: 2.01 Strategic Planning overview with Dr. Tammy Campbell, CEO of The Scholar First - Provided overview of process - Shared guiding principles – anchored by student voice - Research: Battelle Research on High Performing districts, Districts that Succeed - University of Chicago Consortium on School Research - Strategic Plan alignment with less goals for laser focus, better collaboration, students at center of goals - will be in Oak Harbor listening to students, staff, and families. Then they will do a survey of all to come up with themes which will determine goals, metrics, and outcomes in 4 areas: 1.Whole child – social and belonging, 2. Early learning, 3. Grade level competency, 4. College and career -Strategic plan is typically 5 years 5.01 Student rep report. Graduation is June 10 5.02 Visitors: Board President reminded that Board members do not respond to visitor comments and comments are limited to 3 minutes. -Grace Jones – Drama: students went to State Thespian Festival at WWU and saw cutting of Laramie Project. It is #7 most produced high school play. Drama Club students voted to do the show in 2023-24 at OHHS but it was rejected by school administration. Grace was cut off at 3 minutes. -Eclipse Garrett - They are aware that the board may not be able to overturn administrations rejection. She listed other play possibilities and reasons why not to do them – Marian, The True Tale of Robin Hood, She Kills Monsters, Little Women, Almost Maine, Clue. Whidbey Playhouse has offered support at their venue. 11.02 Public hearing: General Fund Budget Extension. No one signed up to speak. 11.03 2022-23 General Fund Budget Extension. Resolution 22-25 approved. 12.01 Superintendent comments: -Building projects – Governor signed legislation, money release is end of July, state and federal money needs to be coordinated. - May-June – meeting with Crescent Harbor and Hand-in-Hand/Home Connections staff, hire project manager - July-August – finalize architectural plans - September-November – begin site preparation work, call for committee applicants - April 2024 – send out invitation for construction bids Year end community mailer going out about strategic plan, what next year looks like 13.01 Board comments. Board members commented on activities and work with students including many positive statements about students, but no one addressed the comments by student visitors about the rejection of the Laramie Project. It is not clear why the board members do not respond to visitor comments, especially students, after hearing that emphasis on students is the starting point of goals in the upcoming strategic plan. 14.01 Upcoming board meetings are June 12 and 26 at 6 pm List any issues on the agenda relevant to any LWV state or local positions or programs: (League positions can be found here: Positions - LWV Whidbey Island) Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? No If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? Yes Consider the following questions and respond if relevant: Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? yes Were any non-agenda items discussed? no Was there adequate discussion of issues? yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? Yes - lasted almost an hour Was there adequate opportunity for public input? 3 minutes not adequate for visitors in this meeting, but it is the rule Was background material available to the public? yes Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? no If yes, for what reason? List any other concerns or observations: See 13.01 Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 5/26/23 Name of Observer: Becky Bolte
Observed Meeting: Oak Harbor School District Board Date of Meeting: 4-24-2023 Members present: Lynn Goebel, Bob Hallahan, Nicole Tesch, Jessica Aws, Thinalyn Ramier, student: Josiah Villano. Members absent: Sharon Jensen Others present (staff, media, public): Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula, Asst. Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom. Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: 3.01 Recognition of Erica Schulle by Principal Salisbury - PBS/KCTS one of top educators of the year in the state - Golden Apple Moments Award. 3.02 Recognition of Oak Harbor High School staff: Chris Whiteman – CTE. Choices program staff: Nelson Rusche, David Thompson, Margo Lanier, Angiey Ward, Les Richardson, Dorothy Rotter, Vanessa Showalter, Kelley Evans. 4.02 Visitors: President Goebel announced that visitors are heard at board meetings (3 minutes) but board does not respond, they take notes and listen at the meeting. Two visitors signed up but did not attend. 5.01 Superintendent’s report: “Legislation Matters” – Hand-in-Hand, Crescent Harbor Elementary, Home Connection were funded in capital budget, $13.5 million for Crescent Harbor. Support from Ron Muzzall, Dave Paul, and Clyde Shavers. Budget overview – maintain people and programs, condense services. Finalizing classified staffing. Kindergarten registration – 45% increased registration from last year, have online enrollment, developing an Early Learning Task Force. 7.01 Oak Harbor High School Annual Report: School Improvement Plan – Goal #1 – Improve supportive relationships from 78% to 82% by spring. Goal #2 – claim/evidence/reasoning. Goal #3 math passing rate – still have a lot of work to do. Goal #4 graduation passing rate from 93.2% to 94 % - state average is 82%. Supportive relationships –sense of belonging in 4 areas · Student to student · Student to staff · Student to career · Students to community Next steps: implementing AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination), restarting Character Strong, roll out MTSS (muti-tiered system of support) ingredients. 7.02 CAPE Club: Presented by Zoe. Community Awareness Peer Educators. Spreading awareness about substance use prevention, peer pressure, social norms, and media literacy. 9.01 Board policy updates: Dwight Lundstrom. Change from student board member invited to attend board meetings to expected. Student privacy – 18 year olds and up have control of their records, 14 and older have confidentially rights related to STDs, 13 and older have confidentiality rights related to drugs, alcohol and mental health treatment, all students have rights to family planning records. Student searches – establish reasonable suspicion grounds, search done by principal or designee (dean). Can conduct search of car or backpack or container if there is reasonable suspicion. Lockers and desks can be searched anytime. Staff continue to be mandatory reporters – for negligence, injury, sexual abuse. Training for staff included. Non-discrimination statement for use of facilities. Covid vaccination requirement removed. 14.01 Upcoming meetings. Board Meetings: Monday, May 8 at 5 p.m - study session, May 22 Board Meeting at 6 p.m. Student Voice Roundtables: May 18 at 11 a.m. and May 23. Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? NO If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? YES Consider the following questions and respond if relevant: Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? Yes Were any non-agenda items discussed? No Was there adequate discussion of issues? Yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? No Was there adequate opportunity for public input? Yes Was background material available to the public? Yes, agenda, past meeting minutes, board member names, and livestream link. Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? No List any other concerns or observations: Slides are very easy to see online, but the video is small and difficult to view. Some acronyms used that are not always spelled out e.g. MTSS, AVID. Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 4-25-2023 Name of Observer: Becky Bolte
Observed Meeting: Oak Harbor School District Board Date of Meeting: 3-27-2023 Members present: Lynn Goebel, Bob Hallahan, Sharon Jensen, Nicole Tesch, Jessica Aws, Thinalyn Ramier (student), Josiah Villano (student) Members absent: None Others present (staff, media, public): Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula, Asst. Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom. Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: 3.01 Resolution 22-21 passed - recognizing April as Month of the Military Child. Invited to wear purple on April 19 in support of military children 3.02 Recognition of North Whidbey Middle School staff – Russ Peters (Interim Principal), Beez Lucero (Interim Asst Principal), Kelly Ricketts and Alicia Ashburn – AVID program (Advancement via Individual Determination), Meg Wolcott (Paraeducator), Office team – Terri Frostad, Michelle Maxwell, Brandie Bryan, Mary Hamm, Elise Thompson. 5.01 Superintendent’s report – Bond survey – 176 participants so far -survey still open. Plus – the majority indicated that they were very informed about costs. Delta – still misinformation in the community from those not directly connected to schools. Establish Oak Harbor Building Advisory Committee based on those who volunteered in survey. Kindergarten registrations are scheduled in April and will be back in buildings - better for parents to see buildings. Graduation is June 10 Budget update. As enrollment since 2017 declined, staff stayed the same (because of COVID). Slowly will have to level it out. Advocacy matters. Michelle and Dwight went to Olympia to testify. State and Department of Defense may fund 2 Oak Harbor school projects. Our state senator is trying to secure $27.5 million in state funds for construction projects. Will know on April 23 if governor approves. WA bills to watch – all moving forward: ESHB 1436 and 2SSB 5311 – funding special education E25HB 1238 free school meals for all students E2SSB 5174 pupil transportation May 15 is filing deadline for school board April 18 – 6-7 p.m. Superintendent will host information session for those interested in running for school board seat Reminder: School Safety Community Forum – OHPS and OHPD. March 28 at 6 p.m. in Administrative Services Building. Public can submit questions Purpose is to learn more about school safety planning – can attend remotely 7.01 North Whidbey Middle School Annual Report 706 Students – 353 in 7th grade, 353 in 8th grade, 42.7% low income, 96 staff members AVID program – learning how to learn, developing skills – time management, organization, self- advocacy 9.01 Legislative update. Oak Harbor Early Learning Center ($13.9 million) and Crescent Harbor ($13.6 million) still in budget 13.01 Upcoming meetings. Monday April 10 and April 24. Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? No If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? Yes Consider the following questions and respond if relevant. FEATURE EVALUATED COMMENTS Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? Yes Were any non-agenda items discussed? No Was there adequate discussion of issues? Yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? No Was there adequate opportunity for public input? Yes Was background material available to the public? Yes: Agenda, past meeting minutes, board member names, livestream link Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? For what reason? No List any other concerns or observations: Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 3-28-2023 Name of Observer: Becky Bolte
Observed Meeting: Oak Harbor School District Board Date of Meeting: 3-13-2023 Members present: Lynn Goebel, Bob Hallahan, Sharon Jensen, Nicole Tesch, Jessica Aws, Thinalyn Ramier (student), Josiah Villano (student) Members absent: None Others present (staff, media, public): Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula (remotely at NAFIS – National Assn of Federally Impacted Schools - in D.C.), Asst. Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom. Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: 3.01 Special recognition of Oak Harbor Intermediate School staff – Chandra Mays (Counselor), Grant Finney (Counselor), Charles Pabona (Library paraprofessional), Matthew Sionson (Media specialist), Aisha Mayfield (PTA), Victoria Brown (PTA), Jackie Moore (PTA) 4.02. Visitors. Employee Matthew Black – recognized PTA members again – add joy, thanked them. Parent Jason ? concerned about phones and other hand-held devices brought to school – video of child beaten up in bathroom, premeditated 3-minute video, Tik Tok 5.01 Superintendent’s report – Recognized classified staff for Appreciation Week Read across America – shoutout to Elementary staff in making literacy exciting Student voices – what students have to tell us: 2-3 things that help you learn What are things that make it hard for you to learn? 2-3 things that an adult says or does that makes you feel like you belong or don’t belong Can you share your experience accessing adults in your building to support safety If you could change or improved one thing about your school or district… How do you make others feel like they belong? Intervention support: Mental health Prevention measures Academic support Belonging Budget priorities: Covid recovery – deans, mental health, MTSS (Multi-tiered system of supports) Student safety Tighten work around literacy/math and interventions NAFIS Advocacy (D.C.) -Superintendent will meet with Patty Murray and Pentagon Director to talk about bond support and creative options. NAFIS to request support for $70 million increase for Impact Aid for FY 2024 for basic support, federal property, construction, children with disabilities. School Safety Community Forum – OHPS and OHPD. March 28 at 6 p.m. in Administrative Services Building. Public can submit questions Purpose is to learn more about school safety planning – can attend remotely. 7.01 Oak Harbor Intermediate School Annual Report Better together SY 2022. Supportive relationships and belonging: Green forms – student completed incident reports - get back to students in 48 hours Student support teams – observing teachers develop behavior plan with teachers Characterstrong lessons ASB socials and assemblies OHI Family/staff night coming up in April Staff secret pal and potlucks Classified staff training Focus on reading – group work, book tasting, staff book picks, one school/one book Community connections – PTA, Pacific Science Center, Superheroes STEM, Whidbey Grace, Whidbey Presbyterian Question from Director Hallahan about cell phone policy at OHI – no access to cell phone (some accommodations if needed), must be in backpack – works well 8.01 CTE Shop Building proposal update presented by Ray Cone Increase of 37% from 2013-2022, 1427 to 1960 student seats filled each day, primarily engineering and manufacturing, added 20’ x 80’ tent and surplused school bus for storage. Proposal: 40’ x 100’ metal building - $300,000. $250,000 from Facilities Capital Projects, $50,000 CTE integration and work-site learning, local contractors working with students, comply with L&I, OSHA, OSPI guidelines. To start summer or fall 2023. Per Michelle – ready to move forward. 9.01 Legislative update. HB 1238 School meals -advanced with bipartisan support 12.01 Board comments. Director Hallahan recommended looking at reducing carbon footprint by developing long term options and setting a goal starting with a transportation workshop. Requested as an agenda item at May board meeting 13.01 Upcoming meetings. Monday March 27 and April 10. Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? YES If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Possibly publicize the School Safety Community Forum on March 28 to League membership Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? YES Consider the following questions and respond if relevant. FEATURE EVALUATED COMMENTS Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? YES Did members adhere to the provided agenda? YES Were any non-agenda items discussed? NO Was there adequate discussion of issues? YES Were any “Executive Sessions” called? NO Was there adequate opportunity for public input? YES Was background material available to the public? Agenda, past meeting minutes, board member names, livestream link Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? No List any other concerns or observations: Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 3-14-2023 Name of Observer: Becky Bolte
Observed Meeting: Oak Harbor School District Board Date of Meeting: 2-27-2023 Members present: Lynn Goebel, Bob Hallahan, Sharon Jensen, Nicole Tesch, and Student: Thinalyn Ramier Members absent: Josiah Villano (excused), Jessica Aws Others present (staff, media, public): Superintendent: Michelle Kuss-Cybula, Elementary School Principals: Katie Coder, Liz Ritz Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: 3.01 Recognition of Elementary Principals’ Secretaries - Jane Ritter, Broadview, Krista Lien (Crescent Harbor), Tonya Mays (Hillcrest), Theresa Byrne (Oak Harbor Elementary), Andra Shelly (Olympic View) 3.02 Recognition of Music Matters Grant Recipients - Holly Brown, James Schlegel, Kendall Parrett, Renee Hall 3.03 Recognition of Citizens for Better Schools - Samantha Horrobin, Erica Wasinger, John Chaszar, Cherie MacLean 4.02 Visitors Scott McKinley (sp?) Olympic View – concerned with pickup and drop-off, 100 children waste time waiting for bus, recommended process improvement methodologies and offered to help. 5.01 Superintendent’s report NAFIS National Assn. of Federally Impacted Schools – Michelle Kuss-Cybula will attend meeting on March 12-14. Voting results: 23,771 registered voters, 9,426 votes cast- 777 increase over 2022, 391 more votes were needed to pass, passage rate last year was 45.9%, this year was 55.8% Next steps: Bond Committee task force to look at transportation and security needs, 2 DOD schools, work with local legislators. Budget: ESSER funds ((safe building reopening and operations after COVID) going away, declining COVID enrollment, unfunded mandates, increase in services – utilities, food, transportation FTE projection – 5100 BEA/300ALE, 5% decrease in overall budget, budget reduction happening through attrition. Safety and Security – Feb. 15 swatting incident (prank call to emergency services) at OH High School and Hillcrest – students were calm, allowed Law Enforcement to do their job, trained for this, strong partnerships with law enforcement, fire, hospital, and Navy partners – it turned out to be a hoax. Director Hallahan asked Michelle Kuss-Cybula when addressing NAFIS to emphasize that the need for Covid relief and mental health funds is still high and will be for many years. 7.01 Elementary Schools Annual Report Presented by 5 elementary school principals: Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) – 1. Positive environments 2. Connections – every student has an advocate 3. Teaching and learning – engaging lessons, students not bored, school is fun 4. Student empowerment – e.g. “principal of the day” 5. Access to support Panorama Belongings data – 86% of students have friend, family member or adult at school that they can count on to help them. Goal is 100% of 3rd and 4th graders have an adult at school that they can count on to help them. Re-engaging families after Covid – family conferences/nights, enrichment and music concerts 7.02 Title, LAP, HiCap Liz Ritz – Title 1 is federally funded (3 elementaries), LAP is state and at all 5 elementaries. Based on free and reduced lunch %. “Learning to read is our shared moral imperative.” Goal is 95% proficiency K-4 reading. Katie Coder – HiCap. Gifted education myths: 1. Gifted students don’t need help 2. Can’t be gifted if receiving poor grades 3. Gifted students are happy, popular, and well adjusted 4. Can’t be gifted if they have a disability 10% of students identified to receive highly capable services K-12 SB 5072 (Equity and access to highly capable services) passed unanimously in WA senate – on to House. List any issues on the agenda relevant to any LWV state or local positions or programs: - Aid to federally impacted schools? - Support for SB 5072 – equity and access to services for highly capable students? Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? Not at the present time. If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? n/a Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? Yes Consider the following questions and respond if relevant: FEATURE EVALUATED COMMENTS Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? Were any non-agenda items discussed? Yes Was there adequate discussion of issues? Yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? No Was there adequate opportunity for public input? Yes Was background material available to the public? Agenda, past meeting minutes, board member names, livestream link Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? No List any other concerns or observations: 2 board members commented on visitor statement about pickup at Olympic View. Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 2-28-2023 Name of Observer: Becky Bolte
Observed Meeting: Oak Harbor School District Board Date of Meeting: 2-13-2023 Members present: Lynn Goebel, Bob Hallahan, Sharon Jensen, Nicole Tesch, Jessica Aws, Thinalyn Ramier, student, Josiah Villano, student Members absent: None Others present (staff, media, public): Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula, Bill Weinsheimer, Tonia Johnston, Dianna Gruenwald, Amber Hagel, Asst. Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: 5.01 Superintendent’s report – 7095 ballots submitted, 13% of parent population. Bond communication: State of Schools, Visual storytelling – explaining the why, newspaper articles, Website and FAQs, 5 short animations (because people have said they prefer “short snippets,”) newsletters to families “The Scoop,” emails, robocalls, text reminders to families, can only send one mailer to community (which was complicated in December due to PO staffing shortages), staff attended 20+ organization meetings, 60K reached on social media – High school bond throwback with Dwight Lundstrom was popular. Coming up in April – strategic planning. Scholar First is partner Budget forecasting. Projection enrollment for 2023 is 5400 students. Average in 2022 was 5422. NWESD District 189 $11.4 million federal grant over 5 years to expand school-based mental health services. Supports 75% of total project cost. The rest is to be provided locally. 7.01 Special programs annual report presented by Tonia Johnston and Bill Weinsheimer. These cover Special ed, 504 - medical accommodation, Transitional bilingual program, and McKinney Vento. McKinney Vento – 1 staff person handles Housing insecurity – living in car or hotel, couch surfing, doubled up, coordinates transportation, access to food, community donations for clothes and school activities -program has 290 students. 1885 students in all special programs – 35% of school district population. 9.01 Board policy updates presented by Dwight Lundstrom. American Indian/Alaskan Native tribal language now recognized for credit. Revisions made to credit recovery in graduation requirements. List any issues on the agenda relevant to any LWV state or local positions or programs: McKinney Vento – housing and food insecurity and related issues for students Federal grant over 5 years for expansion of school-based mental health services Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? NO, not at the present time. Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? yes Consider the following questions and respond if relevant. FEATURE EVALUATED COMMENTS Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? yes Was there adequate discussion of issues? yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? No Was there adequate opportunity for public input? yes Was background material available to the public? Agenda, past meeting minutes, board member names, livestream link Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? For what reason? No List any other concerns or observations: Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 2-14-2023 |
July 2024