Name of Observer: Robin Porter
Observed Meeting: South Whidbey School Board Date of Meeting: Aug. 30, 2023 Members present: Directors Andrea Downs, Joe Greenheron, Marnie Jackson, Ann Johnson, Brook Willeford, Superintendent Jo Moccia, Student Members Audrey Gmerek and Katya Schiavone, Principals John Patton, Kayla Phillips, Dr. Jeff Fankhauser, and Susie Richards, Assistant Superintendent Dan Poolman, and Communications Director Kristina Macarro. Members absent: None Others present (staff, media, public): This meeting was observed via zoom, and there appeared to be approximately four people in the audience. Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: Assistant Superintendent Dan Poolman presented the following financial report summary: Funds 07/31/2023 General Fund $ 5,234,027.96 Capital Projects Fund $2,058,503.27 Debt Service Fund $ 1,489.60 Associated Student Body Fund $ 69,776.79 Transportation Fund $151,689.15 Private Purpose Trust Fund $ 805,437.93 Poolman has stated previously that the district’s budget continues to be adversely affected by inflation, declining enrollment (since the 1990s), and loss of federal funds (pandemic aid). A final budget was due to OSPI (Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction) by this August (2023). The most recent school bond vote failed by 129 votes (it’s required that a bond vote pass by a 60% majority). School lunch prices: The board voted in favor of gradually raising the school lunch cost by 5 cents each year, rather than to raise these all at once by 25 cents. The school lunch calculations are set by OSPI at a rate of $3.62, with the federal rate being $4.33 for free and reduced lunches. SWSD Superintendent Jo Moccia and Assistant Superintendent Dan Poolman have consolidated three more roles within the district: Moccia’s responsibilities now include serving as Director of Special Education; and Poolman’s responsibilities have expanded to include Director of Maintenance and Director of Human Resources. This occurred when two positions- one, a half time position and another, a part time principal position closed. They anticipate that this will be a cost savings to SWSD of about $200,000 annually. The Mother Mentor non-profit group’s lease at South Campus was approved for the upcoming year. The organization will be leasing more space and paying the SWSD a commensurate rate. SWSD is waiting on an anticipated electric charging station and electric school bus. Arrival is expected in October 2023. The SWSD has also joined with a consortium of smaller WA school districts in applying for a second electric school bus. The route the new bus will take has not yet been determined. There was discussion that hilly routes should be avoided; that the bus’s use may be rotated between several routes so that as many students as possible may get to ride. List any issues on the agenda relevant to any LWV state or local positions or programs: (League positions can be found here. Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? No If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? NA Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? Yes Consider the following questions and respond if relevant: Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? Yes Were any non-agenda items discussed? No Was there adequate discussion of issues? Yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? Yes, for “negotiations.” An executive session followed the Board’s business meeting, to discuss negotiations for one hour. Was there adequate opportunity for public input? Yes. Was background material available to the public? Yes. Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? No If yes, for what reason? NA List any other concerns or observations: None Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: Sept. 4, 2023
Name of Observer: Jane Ficalora
Observed Meeting: Langley City Council Date of Meeting: 8/21/2023 Members present: Harolynne Bobis, Rhonda Salerno, Thomas Gill, Craig Cyr, Gail Fleming Members absent: none Others present (staff, media, public): Mayor: Scott Chaplin, Interim Archives and Records Manager: Kristen Abraham, City Administrator: Mark Rentfrow, Chief of Police: Tavier Wasser, Executive Director Langley Chamber of Commerce Inge Morascini and members of the public. There were also members of public on zoom - they are not shown unless they make a comment. Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: • City Administrator Mark Rentfrow highlighted some activities he has engaged in during his first weeks as administrator. He has been meeting members of community, attending webinars on accessing grants, and enrolled in an Island County Economic Development Council seven-month leadership program. • Chief Wasser announced modernization award the police department received, touted good relationship department had all summer long with community and spoke on Langley's engagement with county on Emergency Management Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Wasser also spoke on recently hosting a West African delegation that included 40 children and 4 mentors making a video on domestic abuse and assault. He gave the children a short tour of City Hall and spoke briefly on the city history and government. • Records manager Abraham, Mayor Chaplin and Council member Cyr all spoke about grants Langley received for work in archiving, solar power, and local projects. • Council observed a moment of silence at the beginning of meeting in honor of passing of the whale Tokitae. Later in the meeting council members mentioned their sadness over the passing of Tokitae. Council member Cyr mentioned there had been a remembrance ceremony in Langley for Tokitae. He continued on t0 say how Langley seems to be the city that community goes to for connection time and again to manage loss. List any issues on the agenda relevant to any LWV state or local positions or programs: (League positions can be found here. Economic & Social Justice Shorelines, Wetlands and Land Use Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? No If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? Yes – All in attendance were polite and the motions were discussed and voted on in an orderly manner. Consider the following questions and respond if relevant: Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? Members adhered to agenda? Yes Were any non-agenda items discussed? No Was there adequate discussion of issues? Yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? No Was there adequate opportunity for public input? Yes Was background material available to the public? Yes Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? No If yes, for what reason? List any other concerns or observations: Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 8/23/2023 Name of Observer: Judy Hucka
Observed Meeting: WhidbeyHealth Board of Commissioners Date of Meeting: August 17, 2023 Members present: Members present: All five commissioners were present: President Ron Wallin, Gregory Richardson, James Golder, Morgan Cooper, Eric Anderson. Members absent: 0 Others present (staff, media, public): Staff members present: CEO Nathan Staggs, Dr. Robert Wagner, (former chief of staff, filling in for Dr David Lemme), John Freeman (Associate Vice President of HealthTech Management Services), Shanna Harney-Bates (Quality), Paul Rogers (Finance), Tim Waldner (IT/Ancillary Services), Samar Arny (Director, WhidbeyHealth Foundation).\ Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: The meeting was primarily devoted to routine reports. One recurring topic was progress being made in attracting new providers (doctors, nurses, etc.) to WhidbeyHealth, reducing the need to hire temporary locums, which are expensive. This is a reflection of the improving reputation of WhidbeyHealth and the positive turnaround in management, finances and staff morale. Another recurring topic was the nationwide problem of long wait times to see primary care providers, which WhidbeyHealth is also experiencing. Financial results for July were somewhat mixed, due to a variety of factors. Still a sense that financial situation is gradually improving. A new women’s clinic is opening soon near the hospital in Coupeville. A new CT unit is being built. Continuing discussion on the need to market WH’s services and tell the community about the marked improvement in management, finances and health care services. A new marketing director has been hired and will be on board soon. List any issues on the agenda relevant to any LWV state or local positions or programs: (League positions can be found here. None Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? No If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? Yes Consider the following questions and respond if relevant: Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? Yes Were any non-agenda items discussed? No Was there adequate discussion of issues? Yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? No Was there adequate opportunity for public input? Yes Was background material available to the public? Yes, I assume so. Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? No If yes, for what reason? List any other concerns or observations: None Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 8/17/2023 Name of Observer: Jane Ficalora
Observed Meeting: Langley City Council Date of Meeting: 8/7/2023 Members present: Rhonda Salerno, Thomas Gill, Craig Cyr, Gail Fleming Members absent: Harolynne Bobis Others present (staff, media, public): Mayor: Scott Chaplin, Temporary Clerk: Christian Abraham, City Administrator: Mark Rentfrom, Planning Director: Meredith Penny, Director of Public Works: Randi Perry, Finance Director: Wanda Grone, Chief of Police: Tavier Wasser (arrived late), Representatives of City Commissions There were also members of public on zoom - they are not shown unless they make a comment. Summarize the main issues discussed at the meeting: • Mayor Scott Chaplin reported on attending a meeting in Everett earlier in the day by the invitation of Representative Rick Larsen. Attending as well were five other congressmen and all the County Commissioners. The mayor learned federal funding for infrastructure projects will be available in near future and suggested council prepare to take advantage of that opportunity. • New City Administrator Mark Rentfrom presented a power point to introduce himself and provide some information on his work background. • Both Mayor Scott Chaplin and Finance Director Wanda Grone spoke on budget planning matters. Director Grone showed council updates she suggested to the city's Budget Mission Statement and Fiscal Goals document. Mayor Chaplin asked for council to schedule two workshops for budget process overview. • Planning Director Penny came prepared to lead the council through an Island County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy's (CEDS) outreach exercise. The county is looking for local input and has requested a Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis be completed. CEDS is collecting SWOT analyses feedback from industries and jurisdictions within Island County. Director Penny has completed the SWOT exercise with commissions and was prepared to complete the analysis with the council or to have council review the commissions' analyses. Council members were not prepared to do the exercise at the time of the meeting. Council planned to complete the analysis at the next Wednesday meeting. They tentatively decided to provide both the commissions' completed exercises with council comments, aswell as their own, to CEDS. List any issues on the agenda relevant to any LWV state or local positions or programs: (League positions can be found here. Fair & Adequate Revenue Shorelines, Wetlands and Land Use Do you recommend local League action or study on any of these issues? No If ‘yes’ what action do you recommend? Was the meeting conducted in an open, business-like, and civil manner? Yes – All in attendance were polite and the motions were discussed and voted on in an orderly manner. Consider the following questions and respond if relevant: Was the agenda made available prior to and at the meeting? Yes Did members adhere to the provided agenda? Members adhered to amended agenda. Were any non-agenda items discussed? No Was there adequate discussion of issues? Yes Were any “Executive Sessions” called? No Was there adequate opportunity for public input? Yes Was background material available to the public? Yes Did any member recuse themselves during the meeting? No If yes, for what reason? List any other concerns or observations: Observer E-mail: [email protected] Date submitted: 7/18/2023 |
July 2024